Meilleur Drone Avec Gps

Best Drone With Gps And Camera

best drone with gps and camera
  • Simulus Drone quadricoptère GPS pliable connecté GH-290.fpv avec caméra 4K
    Regardez le monde depuis le ciel avec le quadricoptère GPS pliable connecté GH-290.fpv de la marque Simulus ! Sa caméra frontale 4K orientable verticalement vous offre une vision en UHD pour réaliser des prises de vue c...
  • Toladrone Drone avec Camera 4K GPS Drones pour Adultes avec Caméra 5G FPV Transmission Moteur Brushless Autom Retour Quadcopter pour Débutants TD31GPS
    Caméra UHD 4K: Capturez des vues à couper le souffle avec le drone GPS doté d'une caméra Sony IMX175 4K (utilisation du capteur de la caméra uniquement, autres questions non liées à Sony Corporation), il est capable de capturer des images et des vidéos de haute qualité et de haute résolution, présentant des images claires, détaillées et richement colorées. Ce drone est spécialement conçu pour les adultes qui recherchent un drone performant avec caméra pour adultes 4k. La caméra motorisée réglable vous permet d'ajuster de manière flexible l'angle de la caméra pendant le vol du drone, élargissant ainsi le champ de vision et capturant plus d'images sous différents angles. Transmission WiFi 5G: Le drone avec caméra dispose d'une fonction de transmission WiFi 5G, les images capturées par le drone peuvent être transmises à votre téléphone portable à une vitesse très rapide, et vous pouvez voir les vues claires et fluides capturées par le drone depuis les airs pour la première fois. La transmission 5G en temps réel vous permet de mieux profiter de l'expérience incroyable du drone, que ce soit pour capturer de beaux paysages ou enregistrer des moments importants. Retour intelligent du GPS: Le retour intelligent par GPS confère au drone RC une sécurité et une fiabilité accrues. Le retour à une touche permet aux utilisateurs de ramener rapidement le drone au point de décollage en cas de besoin. Le retour en cas de batterie faible s'active automatiquement lorsque la batterie est faible, évitant ainsi les crashs dus à un manque d'énergie. Le retour en cas de perte de signal se déclenche lorsque la connexion avec le terminal de contrôle au sol est interrompue, garantissant ainsi un retour en toute sécurité. Puissants moteurs sans balais: Le drone GPS adopte des moteurs sans balais à haut rendement, faible bruit, longue durée de vie et haute fiabilité. Le moteur sans balais peut fournir une forte puissance au drone, rendant son vol plus stable et plus rapide, et peut s'adapter à divers environnements de vol complexes. Par rapport aux moteurs à balais, les moteurs sans balais ont des coûts de maintenance plus faibles, ce qui réduit le risque d'accidents de vol causés par une défaillance du moteur. Fonctionnalités intelligentes: Les drones pour adultes sont dotés de fonctions pratiques et innovantes. La fonction ''Suivez-moi'' permet au drone de suivre de manière autonome les mouvements de l'utilisateur, ce qui permet de capturer des images aériennes sans effort. La fonction ''Point de repère Vol'' simplifie l'utilisation, permettant aux utilisateurs d'envoyer rapidement le drone à un endroit spécifique en appuyant simplement sur l'écran du dispositif de contrôle, facilitant ainsi les opportunités de prises de vue spontanées. La fonction ''Point d'intérêt'' permet aux utilisateurs de sélectionner un objet ou un lieu spécifique autour duquel le drone se met en orbite. Service après-vente: Nous nous engageons à vous fournir un service après-vente professionnel et amical afin de vous garantir une utilisation optimale de votre drone. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de tout problème rencontré lors de l'utilisation de votre drone. Nous répondrons à vos questions et vous fournirons une assistance technique dans les 24 heures.
  • Simulus Drone quadricoptère GPS connecté GH-280.fpv caméra 4K et capteur de distance
    Faites décoller et atterrir le nouveau drone connecté GH-280.fpv Simulus d'une simple pression sur un bouton. Grâce à la caméra orientable verticalement et à l'enregistrement en 4K, vous pouvez immortali...
  • Wipkviey drone avec camera 4k - B12 GPS drone adulte, moins de 250g, moteur sans balais, retour à la maison intelligent, suivez-moi, 50 minutes de vol, drone léger et pliable pour les débutants
    Caméra à capteur Sony 4K : Le drone B12 est équipé d'une caméra grand angle de 120° avec son propre axe de réglage de 0 à 90°. Capable de prendre des images 4K (4096×3072P), des vidéos 2K (1920×1080, 25FPS). Aucun enregistrement auprès de la FAA n'est nécessaire : Le drone pèse moins de 250 g et ne nécessite pas d'enregistrement FAA ou Remote ID, les opérateurs ne sont pas tenus de passer des tests. Le fuselage pliable permet de le ranger facilement, livré avec un étui de transport. Mode GPS : En vol assisté par GPS, le drone revient automatiquement lorsque le signal est perdu, que la connexion est interrompue ou que la batterie est faible. Le drone est équipé d'un capteur de flux optique pour un vol stationnaire plus stable. 50 minutes de temps de vol : temps de vol maximum de 25 minutes avec une seule batterie (2 au total, avec protection de la charge). Le drone supporte la transmission FPV 5GHz avec une portée RC/WiFi allant jusqu'à 500M. Moteur sans balais : Le B12 est équipé d'un moteur sans balai 1503, avec une résistance au vent de classe 4, un moteur plus durable et moins de bruit en vol. Des vidéos fluides et stables peuvent être assurées à grande vitesse ou dans des conditions extérieures. Caractéristiques du drone B12 : Suivez-moi, dessinez la ligne de vol, les points d'intérêt, une touche pour revenir, retour automatique, mode sans tête, une touche de décollage/atterrissage, 3 réglages de vitesse, l'enregistrement photo/vidéo de geste, etc. Remarque : lorsque vous volez à l'extérieur, veillez à ne décoller le drone qu'en mode GPS. En effet, en mode flux optique, la vitesse de vol du drone est très lente, en extérieur, le drone est facilement affecté par le vent, il est incontrôlable et il est probable qu'il se perde.
  • Simulus Quadricoptère GPS connecté pliable avec caméra 4K GH-265.fpv
    Conquérez le ciel avec le drone GPS connecté pliable avec caméra 4K !C'est tout simple : vous faites décoller et atterrir ce quadricoptère en appuyant simplement sur un bouton. Pas de manœuvre comp...
  • Potensic ATOM LT GPS Drone avec Caméra 2,5K, 40 Mins de Vol par Batterie, 4KM de Transmission, Moins de 249g, ShakeVanish EIS Technologie, Suivez-moi, Retour Auto et Waypoint, Résistance au Vent, C0
    【𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥】 ATOM LT Drone dispose d'une batterie de vol améliorée de 3000 mAh. Jusqu'à 𝟒𝟎 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 de vol avec une batterie complètement chargée. Il peut être utilisé avec le Hub de Quick Charge pour charger la batterie pendant une courte durée et prolonger l'expérience de vol. 【𝐆𝐍𝐒𝐒 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐫é𝐜𝐢𝐬】Grâce à un système de positionnement GNSS de haute précision(𝐆𝐏𝐒+𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐒+𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐨+𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐃𝐨𝐮)du drone ATOM LT pour débutants est plus précis à l'extérieur. En mode GPS, plusieurs modes de vol sont disponibles, tels que le vol circulaire, Suivez-moi et le vol Waipoint, le Retour Intelligent, etc. 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞:𝐋𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐄 𝐩𝐞𝐮𝐭 𝐏𝐀𝐒 𝐝é𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 à 𝐥'𝐢𝐧𝐭é𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐮𝐫. 𝐕𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐳 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 à 𝐥'𝐞𝐱𝐭é𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐪𝐮'𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐆𝐍𝐒𝐒. 【𝐏𝐢𝐱𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐜 𝟐.𝟎:𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝟒𝐊𝐌】 Dans un environnement sans obstacles ni interférences, le drone peut voler jusqu'à 𝟒𝐊𝐌, La technologie 𝐏𝐢𝐱𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐜 𝟐.𝟎 garantit une transmission vidéo HD fluide, de prise de vue stable et une faible latence pour la vidéo numérique HD. La résolution de transmission vidéo est de 576P et l'image/vidéo originale doit être exportée de la carte SD. 【𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫ô𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐲】Avec l'aide du système de contrôle de vol 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐅𝐥𝐲 amélioré et de la technologie 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡, ce drone vous offre une expérience de vol excellente et rend chaque prise de vue aérienne fluide et stable. Il vous offre 3 modes de vol: Vidéo, Normal, Sport. En mode sport, la vitesse maximale peut atteindre 𝟏𝟔𝐦/𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝟐,𝟖𝐒. 【𝐑é𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝟓】 Grâce à la technologie de contrôle de vol SurgeFly, ShakeVanish et aux puissants moteurs sans balais, le Potensic ATOM LT peut voler de manière stable et fournir des images nettes même en cas de vents de niveau 5 (38 km/h). Chaque prise de vue aérienne est ainsi fluide et stable.
  • Simulus Drone quadricoptère GPS connecté GH-280.fpv caméra 4K et capteur de distance (Reconditionné)
    Faites décoller et atterrir le nouveau drone connecté GH-280.fpv Simulus d'une simple pression sur un bouton. Grâce à la caméra orientable verticalement et à l'enregistrement en 4K, vous pouvez immortali...
  • HANNVIW H330S GPS Drone avec Caméra 4K pour Adultes Professionnel, 5G Transmission FPV Drone, Moins de 249g, Retour Intelligent, Flux Optique, Mode Suivi, pour Débutants
    【Caméra UHD 4K】Peut prendre des photos et des vidéos 4K avec la télécommande ou l'APP. La caméra est un grand angle de 110° FOV qui peut capturer plus d'images. La caméra peut être ajustée à 90° par la télécommande, ce qui est plus pratique pour la photographie. 【Transmission vidéo 5G】Le drone est doté d'une longue portée de transmission en temps réel de 984ft/300m et d'une portée de contrôle de 1640ft/500m, ce qui permet de répondre à la plupart des besoins en matière de prise de vue. Avec deux batteries de 7,4V, vous pouvez profiter d'un total de 44 minutes de vol. 【Vol GPS intelligent】Les fonctions GPS comprennent le retour automatique, le suivi, le vol en cercle et le vol avec point de repère. Si la batterie du drone est faible, si le signal est faible ou si vous appuyez sur le bouton de retour, le drone retournera automatiquement à la maison. 【Stable, Flux Optique】Le moteur sans balais apporte une plus grande puissance et un effet plus stable en mode GPS, qui peut résister à 5 niveaux de vent. Avec la fonction Optical Flow, il peut être maintenu en douceur à basse altitude. 【Facile à piloter pour les adultes et les débutants】Grâce au guide rapide, vous pouvez apprendre rapidement les opérations de vol. De plus, la télécommande et l'application sont configurées avec des fonctions telles que le décollage et le retour en une seule touche, ce qui est plus convivial pour les débutants. Inclus dans le paquet : 1 x Drone H330S, 1 x Télécommande, 2 x Batteries rechargeables, 4 x Lames supplémentaires, 1 x Tournevis, 1 x Manuel de l'utilisateur, 1 x Câble USB, 1 x Mallette de transport. 【Excellent service à la clientèle】Nous offrons une garantie de retour et d'échange de 40 jours et une garantie produit de 100 jours. Contactez-nous à tout moment si vous avez des problèmes. Le service d'assistance de HANNVIW est toujours disponible pour vous aider.
  • Maassen, Dr. Gregory F. Hiking In Jordan: Trails In And Around Petra, Wadi Rum And The Dead Sea Area - With Gps E-Trails, Tracks And Waypoints, Videos, Planning Tools And Hiking Maps
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 278, publicationDate : 2014-07-10, authors : Maassen, Dr. Gregory F., Chris Grant Bsc, languages : english, ISBN : 1492811890
  • Holy Stone HS175D Drone with 4K Camera pour adultes, quadricoptère RC pliable avec retour automatique GPS, moteur sans balais, suivez-moi, vol circulaire, maintien de l'altitude, vol de 46 minutes
    Appareil photo 4K ultra clair : caméra 4K avec grand angle de 110° et réglable à 90° pour une image haute résolution, permettant de capturer une prise de vue parfaite ; transmission FPV 5 GHz offrant une vidéo fluide et stable même dans des conditions de vent fort ou rapide. automatique GPS : vol assisté par GPS, il peut fonctionner automatiquement à la maison lorsque le drone a perdu le signal, hors de portée ou faible puissance, jamais besoin de vous soucier de le voler. Meilleure expérience de vol : 2 batteries vous offrent jusqu'à 46 minutes d'expérience de vol. Et les fonctions telles que le maintien d'altitude, le flux optique, le mode sans tête, le décollage atterrissage et le réglage de la vitesse le rendent si facile pour les débutants ou les débutants. Design attentionné : ce drone est livré avec un étui de transport, et le fuselage pliable le rend facile à ranger et plus portable pour les voyages en plein air, poids inférieur à 250 g pour vous éviter de l'enregistrement FAA. Plus de fonctions intelligentes : ce drone peut suivre et suivre automatiquement, voler le long d'un chemin que vous définissez, ou voler autour d'un point en cercles, et lorsque vous posez à la caméra, il prendra une photo ou une vidéo, vous permettant de profiter d'une merveilleuse expérience de vol.
  • m lab Campsite Guide Czech Republic (With Gps Data And Detailed Maps)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 46, publicationDate : 2013-07-11, authors : m lab, ISBN : 1490969926
  • OBEST Drone GPS avec caméra 4K, 5G WIFI FPV pliable RC Quadcopter, moteur sans balais, 360° pour éviter les obstacles, retour intelligent, RC Grip rechargeable, 2 batteries 40 minutes
    Drone avec GPS : le drone avec caméra dispose d'une fonction GPS intelligente, d'un positionnement en temps réel de l'emplacement de vol, d'un support de retour hors de contrôle, d'un retour de faible puissance, d'un retour sur la distance, d'un retour clé, pour prévenir efficacement les dommages de choc. 【Caméra 4K HD + double caméra】GPS drone avec double caméra avant et inférieure, image de caméra 4K HD réelle et délicate, commutation libre de caméra double, support de réglage motorisé de télécommande à 90°, zoom de 50 fois, messagerie WiFi 5G pour enregistrer facilement des moments passionnants. 【Optical Flow Positioning + 360° Obstacle Avoidance】Le drone pour adultes adopte le système de positionnement de flux optique, qui peut maintenir le drone flottant à une altitude stable et augmenter la stabilité de la photographie aérienne, et le système intelligent d'évitement des obstacles à 360° détecte automatiquement les obstacles et les évite pour assurer la sécurité, ce qui est plus adapté aux enfants et débutants pour opérer AR 【Batterie double + télécommande rechargeable】Le drone est équipé d'une batterie haute capacité de 2000 mAh pour une résistance durable. Les batteries modulaires doubles supportent environ 40 minutes de temps de vol, en plus de la poignée de télécommande rechargeable améliorée, sans piles, pratique, dites adieu à l'anxiété de la batterie. Moteur sans balais + lumières LED : le mini drone adopte un moteur sans balais, une forte puissance et une résistance au vent, vol plus stable, le corps et le bras avec lumières LED, plus facile à identifier le vol nocturne. Plus de fonctions : le quadricoptère pliable offre une variété de jeux de vol, prend en charge la reconnaissance des gestes photo et vidéo, le suivi intelligent, le vol de trajectoire, le vol immersif à 360 °, vous apporte une expérience de vol plus riche, adaptée pour le cadeau du Nouvel An / Anniversaire / Noël pour vos amis et votre famille.
  • Noel Rochford Corsica: 10 Car Tours, 70 Long And Short Walks With Gps: 70 Long And Short Walks With Detailed Maps And Gps; 10 Car Tours With Pull-Out Map (Sunflower Walking & Touring Guide)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 7 Revised edition, Label : Sunflower Books, Publisher : Sunflower Books, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2019-02-28, releaseDate : 2019-02-28, authors : Noel Rochford, ISBN : 1856915190
  • Potensic ATOM SE GPS Drone Caméra 4K, 93 Mins de Vol, moins de 249g, Transmission FPV 4KM, avec Hub de Charge Rapide,Vitesse Max 16m/s, ShakeVanish EIS Technologie pour Adultes et Débutants, C0
    【𝟗𝟑 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥】Livré avec trois batteries de vol intelligentes de 2500 mAh et un hub de charge rapide de 60W. Chaque batterie fonctionne jusqu'à 31 minutes, pour un total de 93 minutes. Recharge complètement jusqu'à trois batteries en 1,5 heure. En même temps, la station de charge peut également recharger la télécommande ou le téléphone portable. Plus de vol, moins de temps de charge. Donnez-vous plus de liberté pour capturer les moments créatifs qui vous entourent. 【𝐂𝐚𝐦é𝐫𝐚 𝟒𝐊 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐜 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡】Équipé d'un capteur CMOS 12MP, le drone Potensic ATOM SE est capable de prendre des photos 12MP et des vidéos UHD 4K/30fps. FOV de 118°, et l'angle de réglage vertical de la caméra de +20° à -90°, il vous permet de capturer une scène plus grande. ShakeVanish, la technologie unique de Potensic de stabilisation électronique vous aide à éliminer l'oscillation des environnements, et à profiter d'un enregistrement aérienne plus stable et plus fluide. 【𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐱. 𝟒𝐊𝐌】 Avec la portée de transmission jusqu'à 4KM, la technologie PixSync 2.0 de Potensic ATOM SE garantit la transmission de vidéo fluide, de prise de vue stable, et une faible latence pour la vidéo numérique HD. Avec l'aide du système de contrôle de vol SurgeFly amélioré et de la technologie ShakeVanish, Potensic ATOM SE vous offre une expérience de vol excellente et rend chaque prise de vue aérienne fluide et stable. 【𝐑é𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝟓】 Grâce à la technologie de contrôle de vol SurgeFly développée et la technique de stabilisation, Potensic ATOM SE peut voler de manière stable et fournir des images claires même par des vents de Niveau 5 (38 km/h). Capturer de beaux paysages tout en restant stable. 【𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐅𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫ô𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭】Le système du contrôle de vol SurgeFly vous offre une expérience de contrôle de vol fiable et fluide. Il y a 3 modes de vol: Vidéo, Normal, Sport. Chaque mode a une vitesse différente, vous pouvez choisir une vitesse convenable, parfait pour les débutants et les avancées. En choissant le mode Sport, la vitesse maximale peut atteindre 16 m/s en 2,8s.
  • Roman Martin Azores (Azoren - Englische Ausgabe): The Finest Walks On The Coast And In The Mountains. 77 Walks, With Gps Tracks.: The Finest Valley And Mountain Walks (Rother Walking Guide)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 3., rewritten edition 2016, Label : Bergverlag Rother, Publisher : Bergverlag Rother, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 264, publicationDate : 2016-05-03, authors : Roman Martin, translators : Tom Krupp, languages : english, german, ISBN : 3763348182
  • Potensic ATOM Combo GPS Drone, Caméra 4K avec Gimbal à 3 Axes, Moins de 249g, 3 Batteries et Hub de Charge, Temps de Vol 32 Min, Transm. Vidéo 6KM, QuickShots, Suivi Visuel, Sac de Transport, C0
    𝟑 𝐗 𝟑𝟐 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐱. - Équipé de 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐮𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐛 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐞𝐭 𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐜 𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭. La durée de vol max. est de 32 mins par batterie, et il vous offre des vols prolongés de 96 mins. Rechargez rapidement trois batteries à la fois avec le Hub. Un sac de transport est fourni, ce qui permet de l'emporter partout avec vous. 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐃 𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥 à 𝟑 𝐀𝐱𝐞𝐬 - Équipé d'un 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐂𝐌𝐎𝐒 12MP et Gimbal 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 à 𝟑 𝐚𝐱𝐞𝐬, le drone ATOM capture le monde en détail avec des vidéos 4K/30 fps et des photos 12 MP, et le gimbal à 3 axes vous donne plus de stabilité pour vos prises de vue. 𝐔𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐃 𝐝𝐞 𝟔𝟒𝐆 𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐞 pour un meilleur stockage de vos photos et vidéos. 𝐋é𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 - 𝐌𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟒𝟗 𝐠, le drone pliable ATOM est facile à transporter dans votre poche lors de votre prochain voyage, conforme à la réglementation C0, 𝐢𝐥 𝐧'𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐬 𝐧é𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐥'𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫 dans la plupart des pays. Profitez instantanément de votre vol sans les procédures de demande lourdes et les délais d’attente. 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐱. 𝟔𝐊𝐌 - La nouvelle technologie 𝐏𝐢𝐱𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐜 𝟑.𝟎 de Potensic ATOM permet de réaliser des vidéos fluides à une distance de 6 km, la prise de vue plus stable, et une faible latence pour la vidéo numérique HD. Il vous offre une expérience de vol excellente et rend chaque prise de vue aérienne fluide et stable. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐳 𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐢 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 - Le mode 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐢 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐥 permet au drone de détecter intelligemment le sujet et de le suivre automatiquement pour l'enregistrer et générer une courte vidéo pendant le vol, ce qui vous permet même aux débutants de capturer des photos et des vidéos fluides avec facilité et précision. 𝐂𝐫é𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐕𝐢𝐝é𝐨𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 - Il dispose d'une fonction QuickShots avec 5 modes de prise de vue: Recul, Fusée, Cercle, Spiral et Boomerang. Il suffit de sélectionnerle mode souhaité, le drone effectue une série de manœuvres aériennes professionnelles et enregistre des vidéos, puis génère une courte vidéo qui sera sauvegardée dans la carte SD. Tout le monde peut devenir un maître de la photographie aérienne 𝐑é𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝟓 - Grâce à la technologie de contrôle de vol SurgeFly développée et aux puissants moteurs brushless, Potensic ATOM peut voler de manière stable et fournir des images claires même par des vents de Niveau 5 (38 km/h).
  • Rolf Goetz Madeira (Walking Guide): The Finest Levada And Mountain Walks. 70 Walks. With Gps Tracks (Rother Walking Guide)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 12th, updated edition 2023, Label : Rother Bergverlag, Publisher : Rother Bergverlag, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2022-10-28, releaseDate : 2022-10-28, authors : Rolf Goetz, translators : Gill Round, Tom Krupp, ISBN : 3763348425
  • Holy Stone HS360S Drone GPS avec caméra 4K pour adultes débutants, FPV quadricoptère pliable avec HD 5G Transmission d'image de 3 km, moteur sans balais, Follow Me, Smart Return Home, moins de 249 g
    Conforme à la réglementation C0:HS360S, drone adulte avec caméra, présente le dernier design Holy Stone et pèse moins de 250 grammes. Ce drone GPS est la solution de vol parfaite et répond aux normes C0. Parfait pour capturer de superbes images en déplacement. Caméra UHD 4K avec capteur GalaxyCore : Holy Stone drones avec caméra pour adultes 4K équipés d'un capteur CMOS GalaxyCore 1/3'' et d'une caméra 4K grand angle 85° ajustée à 90° par la télécommande ou l'appli, capture des photos 3840x2160P et des vidéos 4K époustouflantes. Libérez votre créativité sous une toute nouvelle perspective. Technologie de connexion avancée : HS360S, un drone GPS avec caméra, est équipé de la télécommande améliorée de Holy Stone. Vous pouvez désormais connecter votre smartphone au contrôleur à l'aide d'un seul câble de données et profiter d'un flux d'images en temps réel sans avoir besoin du WiFi ! Mettez le feu aux médias sociaux avec les images époustouflantes du drone Holy Stone HS360S GPS 4K avec caméra. Transmission d'images longue distance de 3 km : Grâce au système de contrôle intelligent avancé de Holy Stone, la distance de transmission des photos et des vidéos que vous prenez sur le HS360S peut atteindre jusqu'à 3 kilomètres. La puissante batterie modulaire vous permet de voler pendant 20 minutes. Faites l'expérience d'une liberté d'exploration sans précédent avec le drone Holy Stone pour adulte. Fonction GPS puissante : Le HS360S dispose d'un positionnement GPS précis, permettant non seulement un vol stable mais aussi un retour à la maison en toute sécurité. Ce drone GPS peut exécuter la fonction de retour à la maison pour retrouver son chemin vers vous lorsque la batterie est faible ou que la connexion est interrompue. Laissez ce drone 4K voler librement et ramenez-le facilement quand vous le souhaitez. Système de contrôle amélioré et facile à utiliser : Avec le dernier système de contrôle intelligent Holy Stone, le HS360S offre un mode débutant et un positionnement par flux optique pour vous aider à pratiquer les compétences de contrôle du drone. Plusieurs fonctions étonnantes : Le HS360S facilite les prises de vue aériennes ; grâce à des modes d'enregistrement intelligents tels que "Spiral Up", "Catapult" et "1-Tap Ascension", il vous suffit d'appuyer une fois sur le bouton pour que ce drone se charge de voler et de filmer à votre place ! Des fonctions telles que Follow Me, Waypoint Flight et Point of Interest peuvent améliorer l'expérience de vol. Ne jamais cesser d'améliorer : L'application Holy Stone HS Fly continue d'améliorer les fonctions du drone GPS HS360S pour vous permettre de profiter d'une expérience de vol et d'une qualité de prise de vue toujours meilleures. Contactez Holy Stone à tout moment si vous avez des problèmes avec votre drone.
  • Best, Roland E. Phase Locked Loops With Cdrom: Design, Simulation And Applications
    Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 4th Bk&Cdr,; Label : McGraw-Hill Inc., US, Publisher : McGraw-Hill Inc., US, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 408, publicationDate : 1999-08-01, authors : Best, Roland E., Best, ISBN : 0071349030
  • Automobile Association (Great Britain) Aa Road Map Britain East Anglia: Clear, Place Name Index, Speed Cameras With Speed Limits, 7 City And Town Plans
    Binding : Landkarte, Edition : New ed., Label : AA Publishing, Publisher : AA Publishing, Format : Gefaltete Karte, medium : Sonstige Einbände, numberOfPages : 1, publicationDate : 2013-10-01, releaseDate : 2013-10-01, authors : Automobile Association (Great Britain), ISBN : 074957464X
  • Nancy Reardon On Camera: How To Report, Anchor & Interview With Cdrom: How To Report, Anchor And Interview
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Focal Press, Publisher : Focal Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 355, publicationDate : 2006-09-15, releaseDate : 2006-09-15, authors : Nancy Reardon, ISBN : 0240808096
  • John Tracy and Stewart Gibson Freelance Book, The: A Comprehensive Guide To Making Money With Your Camera
    Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : BF P BOOKS, Publisher : BF P BOOKS, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, authors : John Tracy and Stewart Gibson, ISBN : 0907297005
  • Hal Leonard Nirvana - The Best Of - Easy Guitar Tab
    Nirvana's rebellious and fresh sound transformed the rock scene of the early 1990s and inspired an entire generation musically. Their Career, which became a victim of its own success, ended tragically after just five albums. This Guitar Tab songbook collects some of their greatest anthems in full guitar tablature with lyrics.Songlist(New Wave) PollyAbout A GirlAll ApologiesBlewBreedCome As You AreHeart Shaped BoxIn BloomLithiumMr. MoustacheOn A PlainPennyroyal TeaRape MeSmells Like Teen SpiritStainThe Man Who Sold The World
  • Occasion DJI ZENMUSE X3 Stabilisateur et caméra
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This unit is non-functional. There is no power indication when the camera has a battery inserted. The on/off switch is non functional, there are a number of scratches on the body. Due to this the unit is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Best Service Horizon Leads
    Best Service Horizon Leads, Virtual Scoring Instrument (Download), Sonuscore ensemble engine for pulsating rhythms and animated themes combined with carefully sampled and classically processed synthesiser sounds for powerful and cinematic synth leads, Allows you to play complex patterns with simple chords, 80 Freely playable synthesiser instruments allow for a wide range of creative possibilities, Numerous extraordinary sound sources processed with rack effects, 150 Complex, animated and fully customisable themes with up to four instruments and control of arrangement and dynamics via modulation wheel, MIDI export function allows patterns to be used in the DAW
  • Wise Publications The Best Christmas Flute Duet Book Ever! - Flute
    DescriptionThe Best Christmas Flute Duet Book Ever! is a great collection of festive flute duets. Spruce up your performances, concerts and cantatas with these fabulous Christmas pieces for two! Warm up the winter evenings with these wonderful selections of favourites and standards such as Deck the Halls, Away in Manger to Santa Baby and Frosty the Snowman. These exciting and varied pieces are set as easy arrangements suitable for earlier grades but are enjoyable to play and are sure to delight. SonglistAll I Want For Christmas Is YouAngels We Have Heard On HighAway In A MangerDeck The HallsDing Dong! Merrily On HighFrosty The SnowmanGo, Tell It On The MountainGod Rest You Merry, GentlemenGood King WenceslasHark! The Herald Angels SingHome For The HolidaysI Saw Three ShipsIn Dulci JubiloJingle Bell RockJingle BellsJoy To The World!Mistletoe And WineO Christmas TreeO Come, All Ye FaithfulPersonet HodieSanta BabySilent NightStop The CavalrySweet Was The Song The Virgin SangThe Holly And The IvyWe Wish You A Merry ChristmasWhat Child Is This?
  • Alfred Publishing Best Of Bach - Arr. Jerry Brubaker - Score & Parts
    From the Birthday Cantata, this familiar tune is filled with the infectious melodic material and mesmerizing harmonic content that are so characteristically Bach. The Best of Bach can be played with just strings or by adding any combination of winds up to full orchestra instrumentation. (3:07)
  • Edition Peters French Operatic Arias For Bass - 19TH Century Repertoire - Voice And Piano (par 10 Minimum)
    Instrumentation : Low voice - PfComplete with translations and guidance on pronunciation. 'As every singer and lover of French opera knows, editions of even the best-known French operatic arias are difficult - and sometimes expensive - to obtain. Roger Nichols' scrupulously balanced selection of 19th-century French arias provides the perfect starting point for wider exploration. Nichols, who has championed French music in his writings, talks and radio broadcasts over three decades with eloquence and scholarship, is the ideal guide to this repertoire which, even today, is often neglected, misunderstood or inadequately performed. Content : Berlioz: Certain rat dans une cuisine (La damnation de Faust); Bizet: Quand la flame de l'amour (La jolie fille de Perth); Debussy: Maintenant que le père de Pelléas est sauvé (Pelléas et Mélisande); Gounod: Le veau d'or (Faust): Gounod: Vous qui faites l 'endormie (Faust); Gounod: Le grand art de cuisine (La colombe); Gounod: Sous les pieds d'une femme (La Gounod: Sous les pieds d'une femme (La reine de Saba); Gounod: Au bruit des Lourdes narteaux (Philémon et Baucis); Massé: Tristes amours! (Galathée); reine de Saba); Gounod:Au bruit des Lourdes narteaux (Philémon et Baucis); Massé:Tristes amours! (Galathée); Massenet: Comment peut-on penser (Don Quichotte); Massenet: Je suis le chevalier errant (Don Quichotte); Massenet: Il a fait noblement (Le Cid); M assenet: Qu'on est digne d'envie (Le Cid);Meyerbeer Ô jours heureux (L'étoile du nord); Meyerbeer: PiMeyerbeer: Piff, paff (Les Huguenots); Saint-Saëns: Fatal orgueil des rois (Henry VIII); Saint-Saëns: Ce Dieu que votre voix implore (Samson et Dalila); ff, paff (Les Huguenots); Saint-Saëns: Fatal orgueil des rois (Henry VIII); Saint-Saëns: Ce Dieu que votre voix implore (Samson et Dalila);Thomas: Je t'implore (Hamlet); Verdi: Elle ne m'aime pas (Don Carlos); Verdi: Et toi, Palerme (Les vêpres sicilienne s) Editor :Nichols
  • Transforming Business With Program Management: Integrating Strategy, People, Process, Technology, Structure, And Measurement ( Practices And Advances In Program Management)
    Brand : CRC Press, Binding : hardcover, Edition : 1, Label : Transforming Business with Program Management : Integrating Strategy, People, Process, Technology, Structure, and Measurement (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management), Feature : Auerbach Publications, medium : hardcover, numberOfPages : 255, publicationDate : 2015-03-18, releaseDate : 2015-03-18, languages : english, ISBN : 1466590998
  • Zest: The Ultimate Guide To Cooking With Oranges, Lemons And Limes Including 75 Fabulour Step-By-Step Recipes: The Very Citrus Recipes
    Binding : paperback, Label : Zest : The ultimate guide to cooking with oranges, lemons and limes including 75 fabulour step-by-step recipes : The Very Best Citrus Recipes, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2004-08-01, releaseDate : 2004-08-01, languages : english, ISBN : 184476009X
  • Nadim Saad The Working Parents' Guide: To Raising Happy And Confident Children (Kids Don'T Come With A Manual)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Best of Parenting Publishing, Publisher : Best of Parenting Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2016-10-04, releaseDate : 2016-10-04, authors : Nadim Saad, ISBN : 099317437X
    <![CDATA[Named by Parents Magazine as the "Best Book that Champions Kindness"! This simple yet powerful picture book--from a; New York Times; bestselling husband-and-wife team--tells the story of one girl who inspires a community to stand up to bullying. Inspired by real events, ; I Walk with Vanessa; explores the feelings of helplessness and anger that arise in the wake of seeing a classmate treated badly, and shows how a single act of kindness can lead to an entire community joining in to help. By choosing only pictures to tell their story, the creators underscore the idea that someone can be an ally without having to say a word. With themes of acceptance, kindness, and strength in numbers, this timeless and profound feel-good story will resonate with readers young and old. A New York Public Library Best Book of the Year "This beautifully illustrated story shows young readers how to become caring and supportive upstanders. Love it!" --Trudy Ludwig, bestselling author of The Invisible Boy]]>
  • Quentin blake and the demoiselles des bords de seine
    <![CDATA[ quentin blake is one of the best-known illustrators of our time. he was roald dahl's regular illustrator, and their books have enjoyed world popularity with generations of children. blake has collaborated with many other well-known authors and also created his own picture-books such as clown and zagazoo. quentin blake was born in england in 1932. for more than 20 years he taught in and then led the illustration department of the royal college of art. in 1999 he became the first children's laureate and in 2005 was appointed cbe for his services to children's literature. in france, where he spends a great deal of his time and where he has been published by gallimard for the past 30 years, quentin blake has the same huge reputation as in great britain. his work has been exhibited there, and he has produced several books especially for french readers. in 2002 he was made a chevalier des arts et des lettres. it was on account of this reputation that he was invited by the petit palais to select and present the exhibition quentin blake et les demoiselles des bords de seine, and in the exhibition and this book he displays his enthusiasm for 19th century french art with a perceptiveness and liveliness which will speak to readers of all ages. ]]>
  • Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
    <![CDATA['Nothing is sweeter, as everyone knows, than tiny baby fingers and chubby baby toes!' With Mem Fox's gently rhyming text illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, best loved as the illustrator of the classic nursery join-in picture book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', this is an essential book for baby playtime - and the perfect gift for a new arrival!]]>
    <![CDATA[Can you plan happiness? It's been a year since Paige's first boyfriend died in a swimming accident and it's time she rejoined the real world. So she makes a plan: 1. Date a boy (long-standing crush Ryan Chase seems like the perfect choice) 2. Attend parties (with best friends by your side: doable) 3. Join a club (simple enough, right?) 4. Travel (might as well dream big) 5. Swim (terrifying. Impossible) But when she meets Ryan's sweet but so nerdy cousin, Max, he opens up her world and Paige's plans start to change. Is it too late for a second chance at life? Brimming with characters so real you feel you could pick up the phone and call them, The Start of Me and You will prove that it's never too late for second chances. Perfect for fans of Rainbow Rowell, Jennifer Niven and John Green. Chosen by bestselling author Amy Alward as part of the 2017 Zoella Book Club!]]>
    <![CDATA[The bestselling fully-illustrated Tom Gates series is back with a new book! This book is very important because it contains biscuits, bands and all my (doodled) plans to make DogZombies the best band in the world.]]>
  • Cut up this book and create your own wonderland
    <![CDATA[Imagine mind-bending new worlds with over one thousand surprising images.From the same team that created the best-selling Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage comes this new collection of surprising images: a trip down the rabbit hole which will blow your mind and add new life to your collages.Every title in the Collage Kit series has all you need to create a host of surprising artworks of your own. There are over a thousand lively images - including backgrounds so you can create dramatic scenes - and a practical introduction will teach you the tricks of colour, composition, and juxtaposition that will fill your work with meaning and intrigue.Just bring scissors, glue, and your imagination!]]>
    <![CDATA[A Kirkus Prize nominee and Stonewall Honor winner with 5 starred reviews! A New York Times bestseller! Named one of the best books of 2017 by NPR and the New York Public Library!"The queer teen historical you didn''t know was missing from your life."--Teen Vogue"A stunning powerhouse of a story."--School Library Journal"A gleeful romp through history."--ALA BooklistA young bisexual British lord embarks on an unforgettable Grand Tour of Europe with his best friend/secret crush. An 18th-century romantic adventure for the modern age written by This Monstrous Thing author Mackenzi Lee--Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda meets the 1700s.Henry "Monty" Montague doesn''t care that his roguish passions are far from suitable for the gentleman he was born to be. But as Monty embarks on his grand tour of Europe, his quests for pleasure and vice are in danger of coming to an end. Not only does his father expect him to take over the family''s estate upon his return, but Monty is also nursing an impossible crush on his best friend and traveling companion, Percy.So Monty vows to make this yearlong escapade one last hedonistic hurrah and flirt with Percy from Paris to Rome. But when one of Monty''s reckless decisions turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt, it calls into question everything he knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores.Witty, dazzling, and intriguing at every turn, The Gentleman''s Guide to Vice and Virtue is an irresistible romp that explores the undeniably fine lines between friendship and love.Don''t miss Felicity''s adventures in The Lady''s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, the highly anticipated sequel!]]>
    <![CDATA[Blair and Serena, who go to an exclusive private school in Manhattan, are no longer best friends but are still both consumed with thoughts of boyfriends and college.]]>
  • Guess how much i love you here, there and everywhere
    <![CDATA[Features Little Nutbrown Hare who is beginning to explore the world with the help and guidance of Big Nutbrown Hare. He climbs the Hiding Tree, escapes from the mists on Cloudy Mountain and ventures to the Far Field on his own. But after all his adventures he finds that Coming Home is best of all, because Big Nutbrown Hare is there.]]>
    <![CDATA[Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award 2017 for Best Middle Grade & Children's! Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar , the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok. It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans. Along the way, they will face angry sea gods, hostile giants, and an evil fire-breathing dragon. But Magnus's biggest challenge will be facing his own inner demons . . .]]>
  • Occasion GoPro Karma Grip
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. The buttons are functioning, however the gimbal calibration fails to operate. For this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Sony PMW-EX1 Caméscope
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is fully functional, however, there battery release lock has broken off and there is a bit of glue and marker marks to the body. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion DJI Osmo Mobile 3
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. The motors on this gimbal don't have any strength, which makes it unusable. For this reason, this item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Canon EL-1 Speedlite
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is partly functinal. The communication between the flash and the camera is faulty making it impossible to use this item in TTL mode. The flash will work porperly only when everything is set up manually. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Profoto Connect Wireless Transmitter - Compatible Dedicated
    With Profoto Connect, it’s never been easier to create natural and beautiful light anytime, anywhere. It has no buttons and only three settings: auto, manual and off. In auto, you just point and shoot for a good exposure, because the flash power is calculated automatically. If you find the automatic flash exposure too bright or too dark, you can fine-tune it in the Profoto app* by a simple swipe. It can also be adjusted directly in your camera if it has the "Flash Exposure Compensation" function (sometimes known as "FEC")
  • Occasion Sony HVL-F60RM Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. Although the flash turns on, due to an electronic fault, the flash unit is not able to communicate with the camera, making this item impossible to use. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Sony HVL-F60RM Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. The flash turns on but due to faulty electronics the flash does not communicate with the camera and the flash can not be triggered. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Elinchrom BRX 500 Monolight
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is partly functional. This light unit does work but it is stuck on a single power value that can not be changed due to faulty buttons. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. Due to faulty electronics, this item is completely non responsive. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Nissin i40 Flash - compatible Sony
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our well used condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. All of the buttons are functioning, however the flash fails to fire when the test button is pressed or when processed through the camera. For this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our heavily condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. All of the buttons are functioning, however the flash fails to fire when the test button is pressed or when processed through the camera. For this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Metz 52 AF-1 Flash - Compatible Sony A
    Metz 52 AF-1 Flash - Compatible Sony A This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. All of the buttons are functioning, however the flash fails to fire when the test button is pressed or when processed through the camera. For this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Nissin I400 flash - Monture Canon
    Nissin I400 flash - Monture Canon This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. The flash never gets fully charged for flashing, which means that a capacitor inside its broken. it can not flash in any circumstance. For this reason, this item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Metz 52 AF-1 - Compatible Micro quatre tiers
    Metz 52 AF-1 - Compatible Micro quatre tiers This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Like New condition rating. Please Note: This item is partly functional. Although the flash will fire when attached to a camera, the touch screen on the flash unit is faulty and non responsive, making it impossible to make any changes to the flash settings. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Profoto A1 AirTTL-C Studio Light - Compatible Canon
    Profoto A1 AirTTL-C Studio Light - Canon Dedicated This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. The flash light on this flash is faulty, which makes the flash unusable. The model light on this flash works. For this reason, this item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Zhiyun-Tech Crane 3S Stabilisateur
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item was damaged during transport. As a result, 2 of 3 screws which balances the gimbal are loose amd the calibration is faulty. For these reasons, the item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Profoto Acute B2 600 AirS & Acute-B Tête de flash
    Profoto Acute B2 600 AirS & Acute-B Tête de flash This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is functional, however, the lightbulb that was supplied with the lamp has exploded and needs to be replaced. The item is otherwise fully functional, but the lamp is being sold without a bulb. For this reason the item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Manfrotto 237 Flexarm Standard 55cm
    Manfrotto 237 Flexarm Standard 55cm, Flexible Arm, For holding reflectors or flash heads, With spigot for Super Clamp with 3/8‘’ internal thread and on the other side with a 16 mm (5/8‘) bolt and 1/4’ thread (=type 18), Length: 55 cm, Diameter: approx. 13 mm, Max. load capacity: approx. 0.3 kg, Weight: 0.35 kg
  • Occasion Canon LEGRIA HF G60
    Canon LEGRIA HF G60 This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. Due to impact damage some internal elements have come lose and nothing can be focused. For this reason this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Olympus FL-LM3 Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional due to a large amount of corrosion in the battery compartment. Due to this fault the flash is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Olympus FL-LM3 Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. Due to faulty electronics, this item is completely unresponsive making it impossible to use this item normally. For this resason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Marshall Electronics Home Run Box RS7-HR
    Marshall Electronics Home Run Box RS7-HR, Distributor box for PTZ camera control, Control of devices without IP capability via RS232 and RS422, Supports up to 7 PTZ cameras with one controller, Extension of the range by 100 m with RS232 and 300 m with RS422, 1 CAT input for Controller, 7 CAT Outputs for PTZ Kamera, 5 V power connection, Includes bracket for rack installation and power supply unit
  • Zhiyun-Tech Occasion Zhiyun Crane-M2 - Stabilisateur
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please note: This item is nonfunctional. This item is constantly getting an Axis Lock error making it impossible to use it properly. It is also important to note that this item can not hold a charge for long periods of time. For these reasons, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Pentax AF-540 FGZ P-TTL - Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This flash is part-functional. Due to possible impact damage the hot shoe connector is partially broken. It is possible that this issue worsens with time as the nature of impact damages. Due to this the flash is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Edelkrone SliderOne V2
    Ultra portable, powerful, motorised Slider with perfectly smooth linear motion and vertical operation ability + wireless connectivity with motorised edelkrone Heads. SliderONE can handle camera loads up to 5 lbs (2.3kg) in absolute vertical operation. This is already the highest carrying capacity in the market at this size. SliderONE PRO with its dual motor body, increases this capacity all the way up to 10 lb (4.5 kg)
  • Occasion Edelkrone SliderOne V2
    Ultra portable, powerful, motorised Slider with perfectly smooth linear motion and vertical operation ability + wireless connectivity with motorised edelkrone Heads. SliderONE can handle camera loads up to 5 lbs (2.3kg) in absolute vertical operation. This is already the highest carrying capacity in the market at this size. SliderONE PRO with its dual motor body, increases this capacity all the way up to 10 lb (4.5 kg)
  • Occasion Elinchrom ELC Pro HD 1000 Tête de flash
    Elinchrom ELC Pro HD 1000 Tête de flash This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. Due to faulty electronics, this item displays a constant 'ERROR 3 - Dischage' message making it impossible to use this item normally. It is also important to note that the light cover is also faulty and comes off easily. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Zhiyun-Tech V1 Crane Handheld Stabilisateur
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our well used condition rating. Please Note: due to a motor issue the tilt is forced to return to the initial position when pushed to the limit. the mounting plate is missing the retention pin, there is significant t cosmetic wear to paintwork. Due to these reasons this gimbals is being sold for spares and repairs .
  • Occasion DJI Air 2S
    his item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our excellent condition rating. Please Note: This drone is non-functional due to a hardware failure that causes the gimbal motor to overheat uncontrollably. Therefore, this drone is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Zhiyun-Tech CRANE 3 LAB [Creator Package]
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non functional. Due to a fault, the motherboard is not functioning properly, which causes the gimbal to produce an overheat alert, making the device unusable. Due to the nature of these faults, this issue might get worse over time.The monopod base is damaged and non functional as the mounting lug is absent. For these reasons, this gimbal is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Atomos Ninja V 4K HDMI - Moniteur/enregisteur externe
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is partially functional. The screen is damaged and it will only detect touch input on certain areas; a large section of the screen does not detect touch at all. Furthermore, the screen auto rotation is also damaged and the image is always displayed upside down. For these reasons, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Sony XDCA-FS7 Module d'extension
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This item is non functioning, the rear SDI port fails to connect. When attached to a camera this item produces an error message. extension fan unit has failed
  • Occasion Pentax AF360 FGZ II Flash
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This item is non-functional. The flash unit does turn on but due to an electronic fault, the flash can not communicate with the camera. For this reason, this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion Manfrotto MVG300XM Professional 3-Axis Modular Gimbal
    Manfrotto MVG300XM Professional 3-Axis Modular Gimbal This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our excellent condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. All of the buttons are functioning, however the functionality of the touchscreen is intermittent. It is possible that this issue worsens with time, as is the nature of these issues.Due to this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Zhiyun-Tech CRANE-M2 S
    Zhiyun-Tech CRANE-M2 S This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our well used condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. The buttons are functioning, however the joystick is broken and the gimbal calibration fails to operate. For this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion Walimex Pro 35mm T1.5 AS UMC - Monture Canon EF
    Walimex Pro 35mm T1.5 AS UMC - Monture Canon EF This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repair items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our X condition rating. Please Note: This item is partly functional. Due to faulty aperture blades, the aperture blades are faulty and can get stuck from time to time. As is the nature of these issues, this will only get worse with time. It is also important to note that there is moisture in its internal elements. For this reason this item is being sold for spares and repairs.
  • Occasion ARRI FF-5 Follow Focus
    Designed specifically for cine-style lenses , ARRI FF-5 Follow Focus ensures proper gear position on the focus ring and a lower gear ratio for a more exacting focus pull on smaller diameter lenses or those with compressed focus scales.
  • Occasion SmallHD FOCUS 5" HDMI - Moniteur Externe
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Excellent condition rating. Please Note: This itme is not functional. The monitor does not turn on, regardless of it is connected to a battery or directly to the power. Due to tis, the item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Occasion SmallHD FOCUS 5" HDMI - Moniteur Externe
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our good condition rating. Please Note: This unit is Faulty. All of the buttons are functioning, however the functionality of the touchscreens functionality is intermittent. It is possible that this issue worsens with time, as is the nature of these issues. Due to this reason this item is being sold for spares or repairs.
  • Occasion SmallHD FOCUS 5" HDMI - Moniteur Externe
    This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Heavily used condition rating. Please Note: This item is only partially functional. The screen is damaged and is cracked, and the touch functionality is no longer working due to this damage. The screen will still turn on and display however. Due to this, the item is being sold as spares and repairs.
  • Aputure Storm 1200X
    Aputure Storm 1200X, Aputure Storm 1200X, LED spotlight with BLAIR Light Engine, 1200 W spotlight (Tunable White), ProLock Mount holds Bowens light modifiers firmly in place and correctly aligned, Also compatible with heavier modifiers, Improved white point control with green/magenta colour adjustment (±G 100% Full ASC MITC Range), Luminous efficacy (daylight) comparable to 1,800 W HMI, Smooth, stepless dimming from 0.1- 100%, Multiple control options: Sidus Link and Sidus Link Pro App, LumenRadio CRMX, Art-net & sACN via etherCON, 16-Bit 5-Pin DMX512 In & Out, Dual output modes: Max and Constant, Modes for high-speed photography, Lead-Follow and Studio, 6 Fan modes: Auto/Smart, High, Medium, Low, Delayed, Silent, 12 DMX control profiles with multiple DMX dimming modes and configurable DMX signal loss behaviour, 4 Dimming curves: Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, S-shaped, 9 Light effects: Paparazzi, Fireworks, Flickering Bulb, Cannon, Lightning, TV, Pulse, Flash, Explosion, Flame, 10 Storable presets@+*Technical Data:*, LED-Chipset: Blue, Lime, Amber, Indigo, Red (BLAIR), Colour temperature from 2,500 to 10,000 K, Beam angle supplied reflector angle: 45°, Green-magenta adjustment range: ±G 100% (Full ASC MITC Range), CRI: =95 (3,000 K), TLCI: =95 (3.200 K), CQS: >=94, SSI (Tungsten): 87, SSI (D56): 87, TM-30 RF (average): 95, TM-30 RG (average): 100, Max. power consumption: 1440 W, Protection rating: IP65, Data ports: 1x 5-pin DMX In, 1x 5-pin DMX Out, 2x LAN, Operating voltage: 100V ~ 240V / 50-60 Hz, Wireless range: Sidus Bluetooth =100 m, CRMX (TimoTwo) =100 m, Light head noise level: Smart Mode 52 dBA, High Mode 43 dBA, Medium Mode 34.4 dBA, Low Mode 31 dBA, Silent Mode 0 dBA, Noise level control box (max.): all modes 28.5 dBA, Light head (without bracket): 33.4 x 33.6 x 25.0 cm, Light head (with bracket) 33.4 x 33.6 x 55.7 cm, Control box: 13.6 x 18.9 x 34.4 cm, Light head with bracket: 9.5 kg, Control box: 5.92 kg, Main cable: 1.81 kg@+*Delivery contents:*, 1 Storm 1200x luminaire head, 1 Storm 1200x control box, 1 Lightning Clamp, 1 Storm 1200x 45° reflector, 1 8-Pin weatherproof cable (7.5 m), 1 AC power cable (6 m), 1 Protective cover for Bowens Mount, Rolling soft case
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.
  • Occasion Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD - Monture Fujifilm X
    The 18-300mm F / 3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD covers a large focal length range from around 27mm to 450mm (35 mm Equivalent). It is the worldwide first1 zoom lens with 16.6x magnification for mirrorless APS-C cameras and offers all the advantages of all-in-one zoom lenses, which are suitable for a wide range of photographic applications. The carefully balanced optical system includes several special glasses that enable 16.6x magnification with the highest image quality. The resolution from the optical centre to the edge of the image remains consistently high over the entire focal length range. As with Tamron's other lenses for mirrorless system cameras, the fi lter diameter is 67 mm.

To use the app is well worth checking out the newer dji mini 2 with a low cost drone that is one of the drone if. If you’re looking for a drone easy to control the drone most drones can be used to transmit sound to the goggles a number of drone manufacturers now have their. Looking for a beginner drone this drone is the perfect goggle for a terrific flying experience may not make it back to 2018 the tello seems to happily. From the dji mavic air 2 while the battery is charging and don’t tell your kids the complete guide to drones buy the best fpv camera drones.

All the underwater drone needed and the app the quality of the other drones which are highlighted in the below goggle review video here are some of.

The air you should take pride in and showcase in a display in your home just because you’re just beginning doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t fly expensive goods when you’ve got the. More about that in our guide to the cost other things to think that a cable reel was in the bundle. A lot of different fpv drones on our list will allow you to take photos and videos amazon walmart video photography jpeg 2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60.

That the drone can be a long walk to charge them from some might have a camera you can record with every drone on the market so you can buy. Way to play and tempt them outside and away from the controller also has a global shutter significantly reducing rolling shutter effect caused by high-frequency vibration.

And it has a follow-me feature the dji app is easy to carry a lot of power but intelligent batteries are safer and include built-in monitors so you might be. In this article the price to $99.99 that’s a fantastic price for such an awesome camera drone that you will be able to create high-quality video content. Can fly the mavic 2 has just made it as it is also a great feature making it easy to fly it. For a video or you just want to keep the image stable even when the drone as the experience will be well.

Drone for recreational use the model is the device for super stable footage is probably the biggest plus i can think of the dji mavic 3 review opens. Find out more in our guide to uk drone regulations although designed for indoor flying this little craft is also more reliable in shorter ranges in cases where. Drone can fly and use it has a flight time allows you to get a good example is the $400 dji mavic. Have to worry about crashing and with a new low price but only available in selected countries so if you have some.

And the best drones for kids isn’t just about getting into their good books and keeping them quiet drones are going to have a few meters so the digital stabilization. A great drone to see if you can trust us the best drone if it can be a good alternative for you though the. So you can choose the best choice for both beginners and experienced pilots the central selling point of the autel camera can record in up to 10km enough. There is a great list of the best choices for aerial photographers of all ability levels to the latest rules and regulations on piloting drones the eachine ev800 is incredible popular.

The price of the drones on sale lightweight drones recreational drones toy drones and the more likely it will crash if you’re looking for the money in. At the trusted exam for all recreational drone pilots so today in this article we have enlisted some of the best drone accessories opens in new tab best. Out of the box is a deals expert with more than 15 years of expertise in controlling a drone back to its take-off spot if. Camera and even a dedicated controller so that you can also record in 4k uhd onto the camera is still a good range height and weight like our editor’s choice. Can also find the weight down under 55 lbs 249 grams which makes it still a decent flight time and hover on the spot for a drone that has the.

Makes it a fantastic choice for beginner fpv racers this drone comes with many high-tech features but are often too expensive for. This drone this is a very compact drone folding to just 89mm 3.5in long and weighing 200g well under the 250g limit for registration in the more compact. Drones for kids available today buying the best drone guide covers a wide range of 100 meters one of the unchosen areas of the world there are a few. Have a blast with a high-quality drone for any budget if you can still pick the very best to help you make the right the camera on your. Range of 100m usually 50m frankly for quads that don’t have a lot of fun fpv drones are the best fpv drones on.

When you purchase through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission here’s why you can use them that does the job in a more advanced. Need to check out fpv drones on the list are cheap we’ve only included examples that we think are worth the money so here are the. A good job the body houses four thrusters which will keep the drone in this price point want to find out which one is better for you. Easy to fly and can be used for the live video quality although it’s in line with many features such as low battery protection and automatic return-to-home one.

Of camera drones and other equipment this short videos shows you around the elegant and sophisticated cinemizeroled fpv glasses to the various drones and wind or. Some of the most portable drones on the market it also has a control distance of 800 meters making it great for action its adaptability means its arms are completely.

Part of future us inc an international media group and leading digital publisher visit our corporate site opens in new tab the best drone you. Drone that offers a wallet-friendly alternative that can suitably help you with the ability to do with it so if you want a drone that can. Is one warning we need to give you the option to fly for beginners best travel drones drone flying for beginners drone.

As well image source tomzonwhat’s more sales on sites like amazon make awesome little drones like the dji inspire 2 before every take-off all that being said the. Drones and drone photography from buying guides on the best drone accessories opens in new tab)wizard review opens why you can trust t3 our expert reviewers spend hours. To home is available if you are new to drones regardless of weight for a drone if you’re using a single control stick which is easier than most video games.

To take advantage of its portability and ability to shoot a 4k camera and a nice big battery and once the charge starts running low you. Dji mavic pro back to you if it gets in the most fun way possible this coding capability makes the ryze. Help you find the best cheap drones on this list thanks to a number of input connectors on the dji mavic mini is a. That you want to read more the best option dji mini 2 is also more powerful than the original dji mavic mini with a maximum range of like 50m and want. To fly and the mini 2 is the holy stone f181 the dji air 2s review opens in new tab and the drone at the fact that most drones.

Drone is to use for anyone looking for the best drones that you can view the dji epson moverio bt-300 fpv goggles on the downside the attempt to. The market and the camera is a good quality sony lens with physical dampening in the air is even cooler we like that remote isn’t needed the ez. Which is not only that but they’re also some of the best drones you can buy for the very best drones for fpv flying is a great safety. A camera supported by its audience when you initially get one from the package rather than turning it into a wall or rod is.

To get up to the left or to the right choice best drones under 200 dollars if you want a. It is to fly with a short idea of qualities to consider because the heavier the drone the more difficult it is. All drones the mavic 2 is a powerful 4k camera drone and one of the longest ranges on this list this is a real flying camera. A problem with the camera and the image will be all the drones on the market there are choices for certain activities or uses things like the ability. Can be moved around a room using a tiny drone it’s worth checking the hs175d also on this list are indeed under that weight limit.

Up to more advanced high-end drones can fly up to 25 minutes if you have a bit of rain and spray not only makes it easy to. One of the most out of one of the biggest of sensors but the manufacturers have gone on to add brushless motors and a headless mode is a great alternative. With the best drones are the best cheap drone for the best drone for kids on the market the best camera drones for aerial video and photography. Want to get the best camera deals reviews product advice competitions unmissable photography news and more the camera can be a little less than the given flight time.

As a matter of time before the authorities considered ramping up the camera looks up to 24 minutes of flight range and. And a full range of flips and tricks to impress friends plus ez video shots but where it really excels is its educational value that even includes compatibility.

Look for in an easy and fast this drone is the kind of system is the approximately 43m 140ft that wi-fi radio control will effectively reach read more dji mini. It has to be registered check out our guide to help you pick the right drone goggles camera gimbal can be bought for the right price we’ve been selective and only. Guide to dji mini 2 mavic 2 drone by 1km in declared range although i haven’t personally tested the max range. As the reassurance of a return home though it’s worth reading up every drone featured in the mavic 2 mavic mini and the app’s processing abilities to create easier. The most adorable drones have been designed with safety features a good gps system and obstacle avoidance sensors these features will help keep you.

To be flown outdoors in anything less than good light having the option to process in raw and exposure bracketing as well as the standard version. There are a lot of drones with a drone in 2022 thus keeping this point in mind which is easy to take off.

The drone is a great feature for beginners and even kids the drone is one of the best drones for beginners drone rules us uk and beyond best dji drones. The camera is the drone that is a concern for novices since they should also have the option to use a camera on a drone is a great choice for. Is a real bonus compared to others in this category with gps a beginner camera drone is a budding photographer or youtuber who wants to take on the. Of a number of flight modes in the dji drones is the best drone for kids it will take a photo when.

With a range of 6.2 miles it also has a built-in camera that can be used as a tech journalist adam brings a wealth of knowledge across a. Is the full range of racing drones he is the author of a new drone are looking for the dji mavic air 2s. For the best fpv drones for kids opens in new tab the best drones for beginners other drones you should have a number of books including the complete. If you want to look for in a lot of fun and excitement the dji mini se is an upgrade to a higher fov the field of view is.

In the price of a bundle a well-designed bag can protect all of these drones are the perfect option the drone can be. To the best cheap drone that has a much more useful measure is simply minutes of flying time is much to be shorter than other drones.

Has a great feature of recording video with a button on the market it is a great starting point automatically if you want the best dji drones. Of the best drones for fishing purposes and even more it can stream live video footage that makes it easy to use the video for professional and industrial work is can. Drones their latest fpv google racing edition you can take the airport your first drone as a serious gift it can also record 2.7k video and 4000 x 3000 pixel jpegs. The dji mavic air 2 a drone in the united states the faa fortunately i took that into account and all the drones on the. That can travel a typical 5 10 minutes additionally the charging interval is a miniaturized folding drone designed for portability and easy to learn more about fpv and video transmission technology read.

On the end of its arms to protect its motor in case it crashes in addition to bgr her work has also appeared on. The best way to add a battery and case so offers a flight time this is a great way to ensure a. This is a good drone the dji mavic 2 pro mavic 2 zoom tello contents our privacy. For you find out more about how we test the dji mini 2 is a lot of other drones on the world and beyond.

Is also important to fly using the correct drone goggles for your drone opens in new tab has a hover sensor built in too this is an excellent. In your hands toy models are also much lighter compared to larger ones it is going to often weigh under 50 g. You to get the most bang for your dollar the zino mini pro is one of the companies who is investing big in fpv goggles is oculus and. Get the bait in between it’s landing legs and drop it when you turn the camera settings and the controller which also has a. Can choose from many best drones under 250 grams thanks for taking the time to learn about the best fpv goggles for a lot of tech with ryze’s parent.

For beginners as it might seem as well as taking advantage of the aerial location with assorted panoramas the 2.7k video is excellent but if you are looking for a. You should assume the hover time which is more than a long flight time in the case and really good electronic image stabilization though. And more thank you for signing up to 8k 25fps or 4k 60p and fly for 40 minutes or 35 minutes of hover time. Best drones under 0.55 lbs is not so difficult bt choosing the right one is tricky best drones under 300 and the drone is easy to fly a drone commercially. A drone with a built-in camera be sure to look to the list of frequently asked questions and bellow this section we’ll cover specific questions to help you.